Parent’s EQ and child

Many clients do visit psychologist for psychological counseling when child does not perform well in school or for his aggressive behaviour. There have been many aspects for such results. Parents do understand their duties, responsibilities while rising child however some of the factors go opposite direction knowingly or unconsciously. The study shows “why factor of children aggressive behaviour” point out towards missing emotional intelligence skills in parents.

Almost all students who do poorly in school, says the report, lack one or more of these elements of emotional intelligence (regardless of whether they also have cognitive difficulties such as learning disabilities). The magnitude of the problem is not minor; in some states close to one in five children have to repeat first grade, and then as the years go on fall further behind their peers, becoming increasingly discouraged, resentful, and disruptive.

A child’s readiness for school depends on the most basic of all knowledge, how to learn. The report lists the seven key ingredients of this crucial capacity—all related to emotional intelligence:

1. Confidence. A sense of control and mastery of one’s body, behavior, and world; the child’s sense that he is more likely than not to succeed at what he undertakes, and that adults will be helpful.

2. Curiosity. The sense that finding out about things is positive and leads to pleasure.

3. Intentionality. The wish and capacity to have an impact, and to act upon that with persistence. This is related to a sense of competence, of being effective.

4. Self-control. The ability to modulate and control one’s own actions in age-appropriate ways; a sense of inner control.

5. Relatedness. The ability to engage with others based on the sense of being understood by and understanding others.

6. Capacity to communicate. The wish and ability to verbally exchange ideas, feelings, and concepts with others. This is related to a sense of trust in others and of pleasure in engaging with others, including adults.

7. Cooperativeness. The ability to balance one’s own needs with those of others in group activity.

Whether or not a child arrives at school on the first day of kindergarten with these capabilities depends greatly on how much her parents—and preschool teachers—have given her the kind of care that amounts to a “Heart Start,” the emotional equivalent of the Head Start programs.

There is a lesson in how aggressiveness is passed from generation to generation. Any inherited tendencies aside, the troublemakers as grown-ups acted in a way that made family life a school for aggression. In this scenario, how parents can blame child for his or her behaviour in school.

We simply put narrative in this way if child is not doing well or not paying attention while studying.

A child who cannot focus his attention, who is suspicious rather than trusting, sad or angry rather than optimistic, destructive rather than respectful and one who is overcome with anxiety, preoccupied with frightening fantasy and feels generally unhappy about himself—such a child has little opportunity at all, let alone equal opportunity, to claim the possibilities of the world as his own.

Much can be learned about the lifelong effects of emotionally unskilled parenting—particularly its role in making children aggressive. Therefore, parents with great emotional intelligence can deal with children differently and can make their life more better and steady.


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